Pencereyi Rüzgar Kapatmış
video design and editing, 2020
Concept / Director Naz Erayda Kurdoğlu
Advisor Kerem Kurdoğlu
Video Design and Editing Maya Kurdoğlu
Actors Side Balaban, Süleyman Yaşar Sucuoğlu, Cihan Türk
Prologue and Part 1 Voices Side Balaban, Süleyman Yaşar Sucuoğlu
This text was written by the actors with quotations from Meltem Ahıska, Sevinç Çalhanoğlu and Kerem Kurdoğlu.
Anda, Meltem Ahıska, Sahir Erdinç, Everest, Istanbul, 2008
A Walk At Home (peripheral), Sevinç Çalhanoğlu, Nod, Istanbul, 2016
The images used in this video were recorded by the actors mentioned in the credits, with their own mobile phones in separate locations.
Istanbul, London
20 May - 11 June 2020